A good starting point is WelcomeVisitors or FrontPage, and of course StartingPoints. I like the WikiPrayer. I'm a software engineer, and currently focused on PythonLanguage, CeePlusPlus, and CategoryXml. You can mail me at mailto:jh@web.de. These are my current projects: * WikiWikiWeb ''duh! :)'', http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?RecentChanges * MoinMoin (http://purl.net/wiki/moin/) * PythonXml My newest books: * ISBN 0-7356-0877-6: After the Gold Rush : Creating a True Profession of Software Engineering (Best Practices) * ISBN 0-13-748880-7: Applying UML and Patterns * ISBN 1-56592-580-7: Docbook : The Definitive Guide * ISBN 0-201-61641-6: Extreme Programming Explained : Embrace Change * ISBN 0-201-63362-0: Large-Scale C++ Software Design * ISBN 0-201-43304-4: Pattern Languages of Program Design 4 * ISBN 0-201-48567-2: Refactoring : Improving the Design of Existing Code (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) * ISBN 0-201-18395-1: Standard C++ Iostreams and Locales : Advanced Programmer's Guide and Reference I also hang out on InternetRelayChat (EFnet, OPN) using the nick '''snibril''', mostly on this channels: * #c - http://c.rm-f.net/ and http://purl.net/wiki/c/ * #c++ - http://purl.net/wiki/cpp/ * #python - http://www.twistedmatrix.com/~glyph/pound-python.html and http://purl.net/wiki/python/ * #xml - http://purl.net/wiki/xml/ IRC people I know that are also on the WikiWikiWeb: * ShaeErisson (#python) * JamesDennett (#c++) ---- '''Diary and Random Rants''' See http://www.advogato.org/person/jhermann/ ---- '''Links''' * http://purl.net/wiki/moin/ ---- '''Add your messages here...''' Hi Juergen! How are ya? --ShaeErisson How do you get your UserName linked under the RecentChanges page? --David (david at bus.ucf.edu) Hello Juergen, I use to use TWiki and I'm suprised, that there is no user authentification. Courageous! (Martin from Mainz) ---- Juergen, Twistedmatrix is covered with spam and keeps falling over whenever I try to revert it. Not sure who owns it? --AndrewCates ---- CategoryHomePage, CategoryGerman