If you have a flexible context such as ExtremeProgramming, don't agonize over whether some approach might work. Just DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork. If it works, you're done. If it doesn't, you'll quickly figure out why, and the agony will be over. You can back out the new approach, then try another or simply move on. You may find that your initial approach did not work, but you will learn something in the attempt that will allow you to refine it into an approach that will work. But don't guess and agonize, JustDoIt. -- RobWilliams ''TO WHOM THOSE IT MAY CONCERN'' ''A message from the NIKE Shoe Company.'' ''On behalf of NIKE, I am contacting you because you have violated our trademark. '' ''We will be confiscating several items from you, including this wiki page. Please remove your shoes and put your hands up. '' ''--HaHaOnlySerious'' ---- See the home page of EmlynShannon for the reason I deleted this remark. (delete when read) ''I don't think the death of participant is a valid reason to delete his contributions.'' [I don't think it is a valid reason either, just as we don't erase someone's art painting either after they've died.] To say any more will be more damaging than helpful. Let it just be said that his death was a tragedy, and the remark was painful for those who know something of it. It was deleted out of respect, not disdain. ---- See also: JfDi