DesperationSmells, so JustGetAnyJob until you are able to find a good one. Including a McJob at McDonalds? If that's what it takes to avoid financial ruin, yes, but only as a last resort. In the mean time, between OutOfWork and OnTheVergeOfBankruptcy, if you're losing out on jobs because you're acting desperately, lower your standards until you're supremely confident you can get/do the jobs you're applying for. * Keeping mind and body active during time of low job is equally important to money, this is done to maintain spirits. You are doing something useful. ''And if they'll hire you. They'll probably reject you as overqualified. After all, they've probably hired computer programmers and found that they don't get along well with the regular grunts who work there. So they'll naturally assume the same thing is true for you. -- Besides, McDonalds is laying off and closing restaurants; they posted their first quarterly loss not too long ago...'' Gimme a break, McDonalds will hire anyone if they're willing to work there and for minimum wage. But that's besides the point, which is that you must do what it takes to get a stepping-stone job, which will provide you with an opportunity to get back on your feet and get the job you really want. What exactly that stepping stone job is, is irrelevant. The important thing is that you've got something stable and paying a bit of money. ''Actually been turned down for "any job" once it was clear that I had computer skills. They really didn't want someone with computer knowledge handling the register. Other "any job" applications in that same time period failed because they (rightly) assumed that I would not be content to stock_shelves/run_register/clean_store/etc where dollars