From : ''"Effective October 31, 2001 Macromedia will discontinue the sale and future development of Kawa."'' ----- It's pretty easy to use, will run tests in JavaUnit ( JunitWithKawa ), and probably a good choice for beginners. This is also the JavaIde used at XpImmersion. ''On 6 November 1999, Kawa was sold to Allaire, and then later to Macromedia. The URLs still point at allaire, and may need to be updated soon.'' ----- I use Kawa all the time, and have done for several years. I find running JavaUnit tests cumbersome (I can't just click on the JavaUnit stack trace to locate a fault, it won't let me recompile-all while JUnit is running etc.) and yet you claim that it integrates well. Is there something I'm missing? How do you integrate Junit with Kawa? --FrankCarver ''I think that "well" is relative. You can add it as a command so that it appears in the right menu when you click on a file. Very relative. :-) I have to take a look at Kawa 4 to see if things have gotten better. -- MichaelFeathers'' Discussion about JunitWithIdes moved to that page.