KayPentecost truly is indescribable. And she's eagerly learning SmalltalkLanguage. ''Delete her page at your own peril'' -- PhlIp Thanks, PhlIp!!! (somebody deleted it before...but I'm still indescribable. *I* can't even describe me....) and Smalltalk Rocks!! It's a '''WILD''' leap from Visual Basic 6!! -- KayPentecost Someone (who never tried RubyLanguage) once said, ~ "The more other languages you learn first, the more awesome Smalltalk is when you get to it." Ya, but you're better off learning Smalltalk as your first OOPL... get the one true way ingrained before you learn bad habits... cavaet: learn it from a master... -- DaveAstels ''Stay away from COBOL. I tried it once, and it corrupted my brain. ;-> -- JeffGrigg'' ---- CategoryHomePage