Hi! I'm new to Wiki. GrahamHawkins and EdShea introduced me to it, while I was working at GeodeCapitalManagement in the summer of 2002. I spent the following summer at InsightfulCorporation in Seattle, and now I'm back in college, a junior at CalTech. The rest of the mystery of me you can unravel at my Web site, http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bartz. A good friend of mine is JohnMaglio. There's also BigJohn, his brother, a betting-site arbitrageur. He tries to exploit discrepancies in lines of the same game across various gambling sites. ---- I just got finished with an Iowa caucus map. Blue is for Kerry, green for Edwards and red for Dean. The saturation of the color reflects the "strength" of victory--that is, the extent to which the winner outballoted the runner-up. As you can see, Kerry polled most strongly in the eastern and western parts of the states while Edwards fared better in the more rural center. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bartz/primary/iowa/iowa.jpg I also made maps depicting head-to-head matchups between various pairs of candidates and also individual maps reflecting each candidate's strength across the state. You can find those on my Web site. ---- Using ArcView, I recently made a cool graphical display of the California recall results: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bartz/california.jpg I also used ArcView's Avenue language to color many similar maps, one for each of the top 10 candidates. You can find maps for Green Peter Camejo and State Sen. Tom McClintock on my Web page. ---- KEVIN WHAT IS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? I THINK SOMEONE WANTS TO GET AHOLD OF YOUR YOUR VARIOUS EMAIL ADDRESS I FOUND ON THE WEB ARE DEAD My e-mail address? You can find it on my Web site, http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bartz. It's in the paragraph underneath "The KEVINARIUM Online." I look forward to hearing from you. ---- CategoryHomePage