''Knots'' by R. D. Laing. [ISBN 0-394-43211-8] As I read it this is a book about common psychological problems, presented as a series of patterns. Here is the text of the introduction: : The patterns delineated here have not yet been classified by a Linnaeus of human bondage. They are all, perhaps, strangely familiar. In these pages I have confined myself to laying out only some of those I actually have seen. Words that come to mind to name them are: knots, tangles, fankles, impasses, disjunctions, whirligogs, binds. I could have remained closer to the ''raw'' data in which these patterns appear. I could have distilled them further towards an abstract logico-mathematical calculus. I hope they are not so schematized that one may not refer back to the very specific experiences from which they derive; yet that they are sufficiently independent of ''content'', for one to divine the formal elegance in these webs of maya. : -- RDL, April 1969 ------------ Here is the first pattern: They are playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game. ---- ''Is it just a coincidence that ''knots'' means ''nuts'' in Dutch?'' ---- CategoryBook