Language Descriptions - Tools and Applications ---- ** ---- '''Grammars''' * ParsingReflectiveGrammars ** PaulStansifer and MitchellWand * StepwiseEvaluationAttributeGrammars ** ArieMiddelkoop AtzeDijkstra and DoaitseSwierstra * VLex: VisualizingLexicalAnalyzerGenerator - Tool Demonstration ** AlisdairJorgensen, GiorgiosEconomopoulos BerndFischer *** * YieldGrammarAnalysis Bellman's GAP compiler ** RobertGiegerich GeorgSauthoff ---- '''Coq in computer science''' * Coq ** is an interactive theorem prover allowing the expression of mathematical assertions ** mechanically checks proofs of these assertions ** helps find formal proofs ** extracts a certified program from the constructive proof of its formal specification ** works within the theory of the calculus of inductive constructions - a derivative of the calculus of constructions. ** is not an automated theorem prover ** includes automatic theorem proving tactics and various decision procedures ---- CategoryComputerArchitecture