''Lanny, AreYouThere? OrphanPage, 2005-09-09, last edit 2001-01-26'' S. (Lanny) Patterson mailto:lannyp@iname.com I am an Electrical Engineer converting to Software Engineering. I have worked at Tektronix in Beaverton, Emerson Electric in St. Louis, Boeing Electronics and Boeing Airplane in Seattle/Everett and MFIA here in Portland, Oregon. My most notorious work accomplishment was the manufacturing engineering work in building the box that shoots the Peacekeeper (aka MX) missile. I plan to spend a few more months taking CS classes at PSU, and find a job so I can live the good life. Smalltalk is very much different from anything else I've seen, and I'm still digesting it. I've been exposed to it for only 7 weeks. I would like to know why Smalltalk should be preferred to C++. ---- CategoryHomePage