I wanted to refer to 'the' LazyPattern, but was hit on the head with the number of hits of http:wiki?search=Lazy. I think a sensible pattern, category or summary page is in order, which I herewith create. The following pages were identified as fitting into this category: * CopyOnWrite * ExplicitLazyEvaluation * ExplicitLazyProgramming * ImplicitLazyEvaluation * JustInTime * LazyEvaluation * LazyEvaluationAndTransactionSemantics * LazyEvaluationExampleInAssembly * LazyEvaluationExampleInVisualBasic * LazyEvaluationOverhead * LazyInheritance * LazyInitialization * LazyInstantiationPattern * LazyObject * LazyObjectExample * LazyOptimization * LazyProxies These links are now in CategoryLazyPattern. ---- CategoryLazyPattern