Scrolling to the bottom to read is bad enough - but having to scroll to the bottom to edit? No more Sir! Honk if you think RecentChanges should be organized in reverse-chronological order! -- JohnVlissides ---- If thy master Ward, oh how gracefully we worship thou, would liketh, I can humbly donate some Perl code that would accomplish said holy task. Und, if zee vould like, I vould even write zee ein LazyChangesToday und edit zee LazyChangesTodayJunkie page mit mee prezence. -- PhilipEskelin ---- Why not use Too lame for the LazyRecentChangesJunkie? To open the flood gates, See also... QuickChangesJunkie ----- RecentChanges is already in reverse order. See BrokenLink ;-> And, am I hearing volunteers to make contributions? I know that if I complain too much, I'm volunteering. -- JeffGrigg ----- Thank your lucky stars the supreme god of qwerty blessed us with an 'end' key. ''but cursed us with finite bandwidth. Come on, come on, load, damn you...''