''(BrokenImage 2007/09/13)'' ''(Image from:'' ''(BrokenLink 2007/09/13)'' LeCorbusier's greatest creation - a chair that actually fits humans perfectly. I've owned one of these for 5 years, and would never voluntarily sit on anything else. No, you don't become sleepy. You become happy. Of course it wasn't until I got a new iMac that I had a computer to fit it. Trackball goes on the floor, keyboard in your lap, and the screen hovers in front of you. Complete disembodiment. -- PeterMerel ''Probably not right for pairing ... unless someone has seen a 2-person version?'' What's the cheapest anyone's been able to find this marvel for online? do them for under a thousand bucks. They also do a range of other "modern" furniture: Reitveld's red and blue chair, Eames lounger, Barcelona chair, etc. Those with a smaller budget might consider the IkeaPoang. ''I would really, really like to know how come anything "designed" comes at a price tag literally 20x that of standard equipment. And then designers moan about how standard equipment is crap!'' ---- CategoryErgonomics