Famous tower in Italy - due to settling of the wet sand under its foundation, it leans precariously to one side. Many attempts have been made to fix the tower, but it still leans. A fine example of an elegant aesthetic design, with strong structural properties - on an utterly terrible foundation. There are many examples of Leaning''''''Towers''''''Of''''''Pisa in software design. (One could say this about WindowsNinetyFive, WindowsNinetyEight, and WindowsMe - though that is far too complimentary to their aesthetic and structural properties.) [broken link removed] ''WinME is an excellent parallel, considering the LeaningTowerOfPisa's history. They built its foundation, and this sank a little. They waited a decade, built its first story, and that sank a little, while leaning to one side. Then, 100 years later, they started building up from a bent foundation. The tower leaned the other way, which is why now from some angles it looks banana-shaped. Similarly, Win95 started on dreadful foundations (mostly 16-bit code inside), and the future versions came out just as twisted. -- PbsNova'' this is also a building! so don't get it mixed up!