''This page assumes you are using MicrosoftWindows and is just about teaching a beginner how to use it.''

DOS stands for DiskOperatingSystem.

To open it go to 



Type in COMMAND ''(CMD on some systems)''


You should now have a black window with white writing.



You should now have a list of the main commands you need to work with. Read them. Some systems don't have a HELP command available, in which case just read on. You can get help info for individual commands by entering the command name followed by /? and pressing Enter.

Here is a brief list of the most useful ones for beginners

 CALL - calls a batch file from another
 CLS  - clears the screen
 DIR  - displays a list of what is in the directory you are currently in 
 CD   - change directory (changes your current position)
 MD   - make directory (creates a new directory)
 EXIT - close the DOS window
Commands to beware of if you a beginner.

 DEL  - will delete files (try to avoid doing this, there are more sensible ways to delete stuff)
 FORMAT - similar thing as delete (don't touch this command until you really know what you're doing)
See Also: MsDos; WikiPedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSDOS ; CeeProgramsForBeginnersDiscussion; CeeProgramsForBeginners; CeePlusPlus 
