What does one program LegoMindstorms in? There are bindings for lots of languages besides the default VisualProgrammingLanguage. I use NQC (NotQuiteC), home page at http://www.enteract.com/~dbaum/nqc/index.html In addition, there's a FORTH interpreter (pbForth), an operating system (LegOS), and a Smalltalk package for Dolphin Smalltalk (BotKit). ---- It comes with a VisualProgrammingLanguage that will frustrate even the youngest child. Statements are represented by puzzle pieces that hook together on a 2 dimensional plane. Pieces can't overlap, which introduces arbitrary limits on program structure. ---- More links for this are here: http://www.crynwr.com/lego-robotics/, in particular, the JVM here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyvm ---- See: VisualLanguage