Leo Friel mailto:leo.friel@btinternet.com A java developer for a small Scottish software company, ''Multiverse'' - see XpMultiVerse. I'm about to lead our team into the valley of death that is eXtreme Programming - which led us inevitably to WikiWiki. In the past, I've worked for some massive corporations who would, quite frankly, pooh their pants at the thought of XP, but I think it looks like it just might be a goer for us. For a start, I'm impressed by the frankness and honesty expressed in Beck and Fowler's books. Ah well, wish us luck, '''here we go, here we go, here we go........!''' ---- Leo, good luck with XP, and ask Dave Cole who introduced him to XP :) -- Kevin McDermott Thanks Kevin, Dave reckons you were definitely in at the start! ---- See XpGlasgow ---- CategoryHomePage