''This has been moved from the body of OmitNeedlessWords.''


For clear, concise writing,  '''Let Every Word Tell'''. Cross out any word, repeat while the message remains.  ''Doesn't that mean repeat until the message is lost?''

Literal practitioners should consider GlobalMinimumVsLocalMinimum and maintain balance.

For clear, concise writing, remove words unless the meaning changes.

Also, we should throw in our two cents and consider the bureaucratic inversion.  Feel free to add any word somewhere at random.  Ask yourself if the message is still clear and remains intact?  Then the word obviously increased the impact of the sentence and made it sound more important.  Repeat ''ad nauseum'' until all clarity is completely lost.

That is language, with which, I will not up with, put!

''or maybe ''That is language up with which I will not put!
Repetition is sometimes a tool for emphasis. When speaking we can emphasize certain words by change of tone or loudness. However, this is sometimes not the case in writing. Restating the same idea in a different way may also help clarify an idea by giving multiple perspectives on it.
* WordsThatDefine