LifeLine has many facets. It is called this way because it is very important and precious. One of the facets is TimeLine. TimeManagement is very important and there is a time for everything. At a macro level TimeManagement in the ''right'' activity is more important than mere productivity (e.g. checkout OneHundredRulesForNasaProjectManagers). Sometimes a person need to quiet down and discover / explore WhatColorIsYourParachute. Some people run a business as though it is their Life. That can be dangerous. Maybe it should be flipped around and treat LifeAsaBusiness. ---- For comparison: '''If Wiki is an Organism, what is Wiki's LifeLine?''' If Wiki has been useful to you, what have you done to safeguard Wiki's LifeLine? One suggestion for creating Hot''''''Pages: Seek out old OnTopic pages, if these support healthy life strategies, enhance it a bit so others can share your discoveries. If they were OnTopic once and may have relevance, put a WhatHappened tag on them and see whether you can get some updated information. And if the once OnTopic pages are of little relevance, put a note on when they were last changed, and mark them with a DeletedUnlessDefended tag for action later on. ---- '''Page meant for future use by CategoryEmployment'''