''Ever think of things as points, lines, surfaces, spaces and beyond?'' ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.2011 ---- My most recent line of thinking has been introduced to a new way of visualization, expression and models: Example - My present Desktop Background is a representation of the internet as points and lines enhanced by displaying lines with different colors. It can be seen as a single page. Visualizing: * The Internet as a treemap - Visualized as points and lines * Top 100 WebSites - Visualized as SquareSpaces ** http://www.coolinfographics.com/blog/2010/4/7/visualizing-the-internet-infographic-treemap.html *** click the following to display the image - http://www.coolinfographics.com/storage/post-images/BBC%20News%20-%20The%20top%20100%20sites%20on%20the%20internet.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1270666347132 ---- CategoryOrganization CategoryFuture