A FreeSoftware GPLed R4RS SchemeLanguage environment for PalmOs. http://www.lispme.de/lispme/ It has a few limitations, such as: * The numeric tower isn't fully implemented (missing rationals) * eval only accepts one argument, so you can't pass it an environment * non-hygienic macros * macros do not allow top level definitions. ''i.e.'' (macro (foo args) (`(define (bar) ....))) is invalid. * only "macro" and "define" are allowed at the top level of a source program * no native error/exception handling. Despite these limitations, LispMe is still good to work with. * You have a pocket REPL to play with. Learn Scheme on the bus! On the toilet! In a long queue at the bar! * LispMe makes a great calculator. * With Rsrc Edit (A PalmOs based resource editor for making gui's), you can make your own simple palm applications in hours, or less. * Use PluckerSoftware, get yourself a copy of StructureAndInterpretationOfComputerPrograms and away you go. Same goes with HowToDesignPrograms. Hours of learning fun! * Great for fleshing out algorithms ---- It would be nice to have a couple tests to show common uses such as memo read/write, pen events, graphics, controls, ''etc''. The LispMe page has examples but these are a bit verbose. I'm thinking something built on the LispMeObjects (for example (class 'file ...)) and posted here. ''I am slowly but surely working on a CellularAutomata program, and I will eventually have it draw the CA on screen. Once I have that finished, I'd be willing to post the code here. A set of LispMeObjects that talks to memopad, graphics, and even a Graphical toolkit would really be the Cats Buttocks. What do you say we make it go? -- JonathanArkell ''LFC?'' ''Actually, the more I use LispMe, the more I think that trying to build some kind of L''''''ispmeFoundationClasses would be like putting legs on a snake. The built-ins seem quite useable and elegant. I guess we will see how that changes after 6 months however. ;)'' -- ja ---- Is LispMe ready for prime time? Would you bet the company on it? ---- see also LispMeUnit LispMeObjects LispMeAspects LispMeLanguageElements ---- CategoryScheme CategoryHandheld