This is a list of tools that can browse the results of queries. There is a specific product called "Query Browser", but in this context it's a generic term, unless specified otherwise. A query browser will generally allow issuing and saving SQL (or other query languages), and allows the browsing of results via a TableBrowser and exporting such as CSV. They often connect via ODBC or JDBC. Fancier versions have parameter insertion, schema browsers, QueryByExample, data entry, local post-processing (such as local aggregation), and vendor-specific enhancements. '''RDBMS-Specific Browsers''' * ToadTool - Primarily for Oracle, but they are expending into other RDBMS vendors. ** ''"'''Expending''' into other RDBMS vendors...?" Is that a Freudian slap?'' ** Knowing Oracle's MO, it may become a prophecy. * Many RDBMS vendors supply such a tool specific to their product. These include: ** DBrowser - for ''Rel''. See the RelProject. '''Multi-RDBMS Browsers''' * Forest & Trees - A rather old tool that has a kind of cult following because of the way one can make "work spaces" and forms. * MicrosoftAccess - It has limited ability to connect to other RDBMS. Not always friendly when used with non-MS RDBMS. * OpenOfficeBase * More to come... '''Non-RDBMS Browsers''' * SqLiteManager - A MozillaFirefox addon that exposes FF's internal SqLite functionality to query/browse/edit/export any SQLite db file --------------- See also: TableOrientedToolWishList, TableBrowser