'''More than XP. More than one day.''' In 2000, the ExtremeTuesdayClub began organising annual conferences on the practice and theory of ExtremeProgramming and other agile methods. XPday London grew to two days!! * Programme http://www.xpday.org/ * Wiki http://xpday-london.editme.com/XpDay2009 ----- '''Ninth conference, 2009''' 7th and 8th December * http://www.xpday.org/ One day of programmed sessions and one day of OpenSpace (a kind of UnConference) ---- '''Eighth conference, 2008''' 11th & 12th December 2008 * http://xpday-london.editme.com/Home Programmed and OpenSpace tracks. Also LightningTalks. ----- '''Sixth conference, 2006''' * http://www.xpday.org Date: 27th-28th November, 2006 Venue: Ironmongers' Hall Shaftesbury Place, Barbican, London EC2Y 8AA. Highlights include: * JoshuaKerievsky, RobertBiddle and JamesNoble giving the keynote presentations * Hands-on workshops * Tutorials for XP apprentices * Experience reports ---- CategoryConference