See AdobeDreamweaver. Dreamweaver is a WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet HTML editing program. (formally maintained by MacroMedia) ---- ''Shouldn't this page really be M''''''acroMediaDreamWeaver?'' Not according to how Macromedia spells it: 'Macromedia' and 'Dreamweaver'. Moot because it keeps changing companies like the Lakers change coaches. EditHint: Maybe we should rename the topic to DreamWeaverEditor rather than include the (current) vendor name. -------- Using the file finder is almost useless until one registers a file into a "project". I don't want to do that for every file, I just want to find and make relative paths in relationship to how it is in the file system in a good many cases. It seems like a simple need, but I haven't figured out how to do it. I often don't need a stinking "project". Is there a MagicButton I've failed to spot? ''Yeah, the one that deletes Dreamweaver.'' ---- It was displaying hidden characters, such as tabs, in the code view and I had difficulty figuring out how to turn that off. I was looking for a Boolean switch. However, here's a solution I stumbled upon: Edit -> Preferences -> Code Coloring -> [your language] -> Hidden characters (color) -> "#fff". That essentially makes hidden characters white to match the background. ---- CategorySoftwareTool CategoryWebDesign