This is different from MakeOthersBecomeIncompetent. When somebody wants to look competent, but there is somebody who is more competent in the room, he can do 2 things: 1 Make the other look incompetent by ChestThumping. 1 Make himself look more competent by not arguing with the other, but developing the other's idea further. The first is an AntiPattern called MakeOthersLookIncompetent, while the second is a technique called GoWithTheFlow in which no one gets incompetent. ---- There are some who use a more subtle method which could be described as down talking than chest thumping. This is to deliver an unnecessary lecture in front of a manager on a technology that the target already is very familiar with, to create the impression in the manager that the target is ignorant or incompetent. The intended target needs to find a way to try to explain his or her knowledge and competence diplomatically yet assertively; success in this will make the lecture backfire. ---- See also FourLevelsOfCompetence