''From the PatternsList...'' Hello, my name is Mariano Benitez, and to make a short introduction, I am a student in the Factultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is somewhere down the ecuator. I recently bought the GangOfFour book, and I don't think there is another way to make good software other than using, and developing patterns. I am looking foward to contribute as much as I can in this newsgroup, and I do have some problems that I hope you can help me to resolve. I work for a hospital here in Buenos Aires, and the system that gave me the most painful headackes is the reservation system (I hope you understand what I mean: ''sistema de turnos''). I ask you if there is already a group studying the problem or there is a pattern to solve it, if there is not, I hope someone help me describing and solving it. I hope to contribute to the patterns cause, ''los saludo atentamente, hasta la proxima!'' Mariano Benitez