I've already said plenty about me on my web page: * http://www.ozonehouse.com/mark/ Relevant to this Wiki: * I am the creator of the PeriodicTableOfTheOperators * I am working on a programming language and environment called Wheat (WheatLanguage), see http://wheatfarm.org/ ---- WikiMailBox (please use your WikiSignature when sending WikiMail): ''Welcome to Wiki, Mark.'' PeriodicTableOfTheOperators was a lot of fun, thanks for creating it. -- DougMerritt ''Thanks for the nice write-up of WheatLanguage. -- MarkLentczner'' Didn't do much actually, just added some links, but you're welcome.--AalbertTorsius. ---- Quick links for me: * QuickChanges and/or http:quickChanges * SubEthaEdit * HomoiconicLanguages ---- CategoryHomePage