* mailto:mcruikshank@vitalimages.com * http://www.vitalimages.com ---- I'm a Software Engineer at Vital Images, Inc. in Minnetonka, Minnesota with a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Michigan State University. I've been programming since 1981, when I was 8 - my first program was in BASIC on a TRS-80, and it printed prime numbers. Books on my desk: * Modern C++ Design / Alexandrescu * Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process Improvement / Grady * Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering / Glass * Programming Microsoft Visual C++ Fifth Edition / Kruglinski, Shepherd, Wingo * GPU Gems 2 / Pharr * Refactoring / Fowler * Effective STL / Meyers * Death March / Yourdon * More Effective C++ / Meyers * Effective C++ Second Edition / Meyers * Design Patterns / Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides * Win32 System Serives / Brain, Reeves (Borrowed) * CMMI / Chrissis, Konrad, Shrum * The C++ Standard Library / Josuttis * Peopleware / De''''''Marco, Lister * Applying UML and Patterns / Larman (Borrowed) * Numerical Recipies in Pascal / Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, Vetterling * XSLT 2nd Edition / Kay * Managing the Software Process / Humphrey (Borrowed) ---- These are some ideas kicking around in my head: * CodePatterns ---- CategoryHomePage