MaxthonBrowser ( has TabbedBrowsing features that MicrosoftInternetExplorer did not. It was previously called MyIE2. Since it is built on InternetExplorer technology, it will be affected by security exposures that are IE specific. I am happy to see recent (Nov04) IE patch for IFRAME is applied to MaxthonBrowser pretty quickly. ''As at early 2005 I am quite happy with my short experience in using MaxthonBrowser. Anyone seen problems reported that prevents its use as a InternetExplorer alternative, for WebApplication usage?'' ---- '''MaxthonBrowser vs MozillaFirefox''' ''hearsay of better features without personal experience'' * MaxthonBrowser less memory hungry * Combo package quicker to setup than looking for pluggin for MozillaFirefox * MozillaFirefox cannot search text within Wiki edit box :( ---- '''Resources''' * '' IE on steriods --- review '' * ''example RssViewer '' ---- '''MaxthonBrowser QuickQuestions''' '''Q''' How well can MaxthonBrowser mimic InternetExplorer 5.x to sites that require IE? For example, would Window''''''sUpdate from MS accept it? * ''I had a recent experience where a site required me to switch to IE before it would grant my request for a SecurityCertificate.'' '''A''' '''Q''' I am assuming MaxthonBrowser will not work if IE is uninstalled. How is MaxthonBrowser affected by WindowsXp SP2, which uses new APIs and changed InternetExplorer in many significant ways? '''A''' '''Q''' Any links to speculations how will WindowsLonghorn impact the likes of MaxthonBrowser? '''A''' ---- CategoryWebBrowser CategoryMicrosoft