---- He has assembled a team at the OpenSourceApplicationsFoundation to build a PersonalInformationManager - code name Chandler (see Chandler''''''Project at - which may incorporate Wiki characteristics. The ChandlerCommunityWiki is at ---- Has had something to do with Lotus, the ElectronicFrontierFoundation, OpenSourceApplicationsFoundation and something called the Clock of the LongNow. ''I guess that OnTechnology doesn't get talked about too much these days. That was his high-profile startup after Lotus.'' Maybe ON didn't take over the world, but they're doing just fine. We run into them all the time in our industry (wireless handheld devices). ---- Kind of famous, too, except he's known as MitchKapor usually. ''When I worked with him at ON, he much preferred to be called "Mitchell". His last name is also pronounced with the accent on the first syllable, like the food ("caper"), and not like an Indian name ("Kapoor").'' ---- CategoryPerson