Your editing will improve with mastery of the TextFormattingRules. Take the time to read them now. Editing uses several different pages. These stack up in your browser. You'll want to be good at using the browser's ''Forward,''''Back'' and ''Reload'' buttons to move between them. Here's what's often stacked up after revising a page: * The original page * The EditText page for the original page * The thank-you for editing the original page The thank-you has a hyperlink to the revised page. Follow it to see... * The original page with your revisions ... which your browser will stack with the others. Sooner or later you'll want to ''Back'' out of this stack. You can back to the EditText page to make more changes. You can also back to the original page and ''Reload'' it. This won't discard your EditText page which can be reached by going ''Forward''. The thank-you page may mention questionable spelling in the text just saved. You will want to back up and correct your errors. You can also use the provided form to add correctly spelled words to the SpellingChecker's dictionary. Also observe a few CautionsWhileEditingText. ---- CategoryWikiEditing CategoryWikiHelp