A micro test runner, even smaller than the one at VisualCeePlusPlus, and just as coupled to the VC++ IDE. Part of MsWindowsResourceLint. Use EditPage to avoid any Wikifications, and save this as ''test.h'': // lite test rig // WPL - the Whatever Public License. Have fun; don't sue #ifndef TEST_ # include # include # include # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include class TestCase { public: typedef std::list TestCases_t; TestCases_t static cases; TestCase() { cases.push_back(this); } virtual void setUp() {} virtual void runCase() = 0; virtual void tearDown() {} static bool runTests(); protected: static bool all_tests_passed; }; inline bool TestCase::runTests() { TestCase::TestCases_t::iterator it(TestCase::cases.begin()); for ( ; it != TestCase::cases.end(); ++it ) { TestCase & aCase = **it; aCase.setUp(); aCase.runCase(); aCase.tearDown(); } return TestCase::all_tests_passed; } #define TEST_(suite, target) struct suite##_##target##_test: public suite { void runCase(); } a_##suite##_##target##_test; void suite##_##target##_test::runCase() #define CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sample, result) if ((sample) != (result)) { std::stringstream out; out << __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__ << ") : "; out << #sample << "(" << (sample) << ") != "; out << #result << "(" << (result) << ")"; std::cout << out.str() << std::endl; OutputDebugString(out.str().c_str()); OutputDebugString("\n"); all_tests_passed = false; __asm { int 3 } } #endif ---- CategoryLint