20030702.0056 I cannot believe that this wiki hasn't addressed this topic yet Maybe I just haven't seen it as a QuickChangesJunkie -- but try this: http://c2.com/cgi/fullSearch?search=multi ''Some of the information you are looking for may be found under the notion of concurrency. However, beware that WikiIsNotaDictionary.'' I can do the laundry and the dishes at the same time, I just load the machines and press start. Then I can watch StarTrek till those tasks are done. Vacuuming and LawnMowing require my presence and control. I have to stay with the device HelpingMe till we finish the task. What are the different names for these forms of MultiTasking? * ''Foreground task. Something you need to interact with on a terminal or via the GUI, for example to enter commands and read their output.'' * ''Background task. You kick it off (perhaps even via a timer) and it does some job without you supervision.'' ''There's a whole grey area in between. Something which is apparently a foreground task that you're not attending to because nothing is happening (e.g. no new mail) becomes a background task, 'til the mail arrives and the thing beeps at you. Thinking can be like this (UngarMethod). Conversely, if your background task hits a problem and the cron daemon sends you an email, you may need to interact with the thing to get it working correctly.'' ''StarTrek can become a background task too, if you use your video recorder and then don't bother to watch the tape. (GaveUpOnTelevision)''