Industrial Control Room Example from the 1990s This is a strategy is particularly useful for those * who want to be doing more than one thing at a time and * want to see what is going on in any of them at the same moment of time * or want to stretch the thing they are doing * or want to create fences and work areas on their desktop It has become relatively easy and inexpensive to do so, given the current technology and the different connect-able and reach-able monitors available. DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20130921: * Write and share programs utilizing three monitors - One Central with one each left and right, the center being the desktop and the others extensions of that desktop. ** Site with progress reports ---- Short videos: * Factors to consider ** 16 minute video *** ---- See also: * TilingWindowManager * Fences * RunningSixYearsBehind (like what was hot then, and still is - beginning in 2006-2007) ---- CategoryOrganization