A legendary (or perhaps mythical) work schedule where the employee is not expected to arrive until 9:00am and can expect to be able to leave by 5:00pm, thus working only 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week. In older versions of the legend, a 1 hour lunch break was included, as well as breaks midway between 9:00 and lunch and midway between lunch and 5:00, although in more recent tellings that part of the legend is usually omitted. Some people claim to have once seen a NineToFive schedule, although these claims have not yet been corroborated. There is some photographic 'evidence' to support claims that the legend may actually exist in the wild, but they are typically blurry and grainy, and often displayed next to photographs of the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and flying saucers hanging from obviously visible strings. Note: The legend of the 9 to 5 schedule implies that the employee does not need to go home and work until midnight or 2:00am after leaving at 5:00.