From DilBert: A bunch of big-brained scientific types are on a bus singing... : ''"Infinite number of beers on the wall,'' : '' infinite number of beers.'' : '' You take one down and pass it around...'' : '' Infinite number of beers on the wall!"'' : '''' After a while, the bus driver gets sick of it and yells that they'll never to get to zero. ---- NinetyNineBottlesOfBeerOnTheWallInManyLanguages: Several pages exist that list programs in incredibly and impressively large numbers of languages that emit the words to the song: * (1000) * (227, possibly with some duplication) ---- #define TakeOneD''''''own(n) n-- for (BottlesOfB''''''eer = 99; BottlesOfB''''''eer > 0; TakeOneD''''''own(BottlesOfB''''''eer)) { PassItA''''''round(); } or perhaps : BOTTLESOFBEER 100 0 DO 99 I - PASSAROUND LOOP ; ''See ForthFlames for a complete implementation. This can even be done in TuringTarpit''''''s: see SnuspLanguage.'' ---- See also: NinetyNineBugsInTheCodeOnTheScreen