Seeing ValueObject, ParameterObject, ResultObject, ArgumentObject I had to think: Isn't this all the same? Just reflecting language entities? A quick search for Object reveals (http:wiki?search=Object): * ActiveObject * ArgumentObject * CommandObject * CompoundObjects * ConstructorObject * ContextObject * CurriedObject * DataAccessObject * DataTransferObject * DateAndValueObject * DefaultObject * DeferredExceptionObject * DumbDataObject * DummyObject * FakeObject * FunctionCallObject * FunctionObject * FunctorObject * FutureObjects * GenericFunctionObject * ImmutableObject * ImmutableValueObject * MethodObject * MockObject * MutableValueObject * NullObject * ParameterObject * QueryObject * ResultObject * StateObject * StreamObject * SynchronizationObject * TheNilObject * ThrowawayObject * TransactionClosureObject * TransferObject * TypeObject * UndefinedObject * ValueObject (there are more, but these fall into the category I mean). Obviously there is quite some redundancy here (in the pages as well as in the objects themselves). What about ObjectsAsObjects? ---- See also ObjectOriented, ObjectOrientation, ObjectOrientedProgramming CategoryReflection