Real name: TerrySeale Knowledge Representation, taxonomies, thesauri, controlled vocabularies, classification, knowledge management, search and retrieval, document management systems, legal research tools, these things fill my mind with puzzles to solve. I am a private law firm librarian in the '''Washington DC''' area working to improve information and collaboration in my setting and therefore have come upon Wiki technology in my travels. If anyone would like to reach me, please contact me by Thank you, Terry Seale ----- WikiMailBox Welcome to Wiki. There's a huge wealth of information here, though finding it can be a bit difficult. Wiki uses the original HyperLink concept, which means that info here is more of a web than an orderly repository. You might find StartingPoints and RoadMaps helpful. Also, please see RealNamesPlease. -- JonathanTang Yes, they got me with the RealNamesPlease thing too, when I came here. It's easier to just do as they ask. -- RobertOrBob