OneNote is another app in MicrosoftOffice. It's a hybrid of an outliner and ink-based journal. ---- I have used it as a Capture and Reorganization tool. You can capture a region of a page with an enclosing rectangle the parts of which you find interesting and worth saving, or the whole page and then edit portions, add notations, delete parts and rearrange in a readable and printable format. It also provides a structure which allows placement within topical folders. Some of the more interesting captures I print, or paste to PaperPort. It is an excellent addition to Office. -- DonaldNoyes Candidate for "IsAnythingBetterThanPaper" also One of the OrdinaryComputerUsers BasicToolkit programs. ---- There is an add to MozillaFirefox to enable capture to OneNote available from for versions of Firefox up to 1.5, also with useful information about how to use it. A version of the addon for Firefox 2 is available at ''This will not install with Firefox 3.5.6.'' There is now a new add on called '''Clip to OneNote''' which will install with the latest version of Firefox (3.6.3). See I am presently using a cut and paste method while using the GoogleChrome page as the cut target and the Notebook_NewPage process in OneNote as the paste target. It preserves the essence of the page for me, including links, which was a very desirable feature in the S''''''endToOneNote in InternetExplorer * Cut * Pasted ---- See also MicrosoftOfficeYearOhSeven. ---- CategoryMicrosoft | CategoryHypercard | CategoryCollections