''Form or Pattern for Noting OriginatingThought - Proposed WikiConvention '' DonaldNoyes.DoingStuff.20121113 ---- First Line ''Short summary of content in italics'' * By Whom (dot) * What kind of thing (dot) * Original DateTimeStamp (dot) Latest revised DateTimeStamp Followed by * single line * Content Finalized by * double line ---- ---- then * Notes: ** This format is used ( I will use it beginning today for ThinkingOutLoud and other related contributions ) ( others may desire to use it also): where the '''content''' is composed by the user as their own OriginatingThought, to respected and left as such, and for which comments or later alterations will appear below the final double lines. .... ---- * Comments: * ... ---- WikiMail: .... ---- ---- CategoryOrganization