It's interesting on occasion to see a list of all pages that are not pointed to by anything other than a ChangesInXXX page, and which themselves do not point to CategoryHomePage. Obtained by a simple gawk script to process links.txt ... BEGIN { print "" print "Orphan pages other than home pages. Specifically, pages
" print "on the C2 wiki that are not pointing to CategoryHomePage,
" print "and are not pointed to by anything other than ChangesInXXX.

" print "

    " } /CategoryHomePage/ { for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) tgts[$i] = 1 ; next } /^Changes''''''In/ { next } { pages[$1] = $1 for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) tgts[$i] = 1 } END { n = asort(pages) c = 0 for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { p = pages[i] if (!(p in tgts)) { print "
  1. " p "
  2. " c++ } } print "
" print c " pages, generated automatically at" system("date") print "" } ---- CategoryWikiMaintenance ---- In case you're interested, 1571 pages, generated automatically at Mon Apr 28 10:05:06 BST 2008 * AbilityBurden * AbletonLive * AbstractionDeviationDomainSmell * AcidAndLongTransactions * ActivistProgrammer * ActorDecisionTreePattern * AdamBlinkinsop * AdamBloor * AdityaPadival * AdobeFlexLanguage * AdvancerPattern * AdviceForBritonsAbroad * AgileBridgeBuilding * AgileDisinformation * AgileGruppeBremenEinladungKickOff * AgileMoeder * AgileRocketScience * AgileRup * AlJazeera * AlbertDayes * AlgorithmDesignManual * AlgunOtroSitio * AlisjLanguage * AllIsVanity * AllSystemsAreSocialSystems * AllenHiggins * AlokeMukherjee * AlternativeDefinitionsOfTypes * AlternativesToXp * AmeobaOs * AmishPeople * AnonymousContributorsAndContributions * AnotherArgumentAgainstGod * AnthonyWild * ApacheWebServices * ApplicationBlock * AprilOrientedProgramming * ArchitecturalChange * AreInteractiveModelsMorePowerfulThanTuringMachines * AreMeetingsArchaic * AreOopBenefitsInternalOrExternal * AreSoftwarePatentsEvil * AreYouWikiied * AreasRelatedToInteractionDesign * ArmyOfUsers * ArraysInSql * ArtSpiegelman * ArtificialIntelligenceAnalogy * ArtificialIntelligenceAndInterpretation * ArvindDamarla * AskingQuestionsTheSmartWay * AspiratedAffirmative * AssertionsAsDefensiveProgramming * AtLeastPleaseOne * AtividadeColetiva * AtomicMotherhoodStory * AuthorsList * AutomaticPilotSoftware * AvoidBlameByAbsence * BackSideOfAnInterface * BacklinksBookmarklet * BackquoteOperator * BadChangeLogEntry * BadThingsSeenInSourceCodeAndDocumentation * BalancingAct * BaraHouse * BePrecise * BeanCounting * BeggarsSeries * BeliefIsSin * BelongsToGroupName * BenefitsOfDemergingStuffInsteadOfMergingEndlessly * BentoBoxDiagram * BerndKlingenberg * BestWayToKnow * BigEventsOfTwoThousandEight * BigExplosion * BigPileOfJunk * BigTobacco * BiggestToolShortcomings * BillJone * BillKent * BillYoung * BillyJamesUy * BizspeakToGeekDictionary * BlocksAreInsideOutMethods * BlogSpam * BodyguardPattern * BodyweightExercises * BoneyardLinux * BootstrapTechnology * BoringPostcards * BozicniKolaci * BrainlessBroadcastMedia * BrandonSanders * BreakStatement * BrendanLalor * BreveEnvironment * BrianBurkhart * BrianBuxton * BridgeNotes * BritishWeightsAndMeasuresAssociation * BrlCad * BrokenDamWaterfall * BrokenHungarianNotation * BrowserAsGuiAssembler * BruceFriedman * BruceWilliams * BuildInPervasiveOrthogonalAttributes * BuildingYourOwnComputer * BusinessAppDesignIssues * BusinessIdentifier * ByondBwicki * CabroesDoCaralho * CactusEclipsePlugin * CalifornianGoulash * CampaignsWikia * CandidateForXp * CannotResolveSymbol * CapabilitiesDictionary * CapeTown * CategoryClassSetType * CategoryWebFramework * CcslcFacilitators * CentralIowaJavaUsersGroup * CentralMasterUniverse * CentralizeMeetingRooms * CentralizedInterfaceManager * CexceptLibrary * ChangingPersistentObjectsDiscussion * ChaoticHackerTips * ChapelPerilous * CharacteristicsOfGoodObjectOrientedProgramming * CharlesLacz * CharlesYoung * ChaseFranklin * ChatOneOne * CheapMassivelyParallelSequentialSearch * CheatingDeathCheaply * CheetahSoftware * ChileCountry * ChipWhitmer * ChoHyunShin * ChoosingBehavior * ChrisHancock * ChrisLedger * ChristianAndrer * ChristianBetz * ChristinMcMurray * ChristineTheLawStudent * ChristopheCantala * ChuckYeagerVsTheRedBaron * CitoyenWiki * ClassResponsibilityCollaboration * ClassWarfare * ClassicVideoGame * ClassificationPhilosophy * ClassificationTechniques * CleverTrollAdmiration * ClickHereForKnowledgeMapGame * ClientCommitmentProcessPattern * ClipsLanguage * CoDeleter * CodeBetaReader * CodeBlue * CodeVerbsDataNouns * CodeWithCharacter * CodingProblemQuestion * CollectiveNouns * CollectorsParadox * ComegaLanguage * CommasBetweenLinks * CommentingInterviewQuestion * CommercializingOpenSourceSoftware * CommitteeForPuttingThingsOnTopOfOtherThings * CommonBloodyNonsense * CommonOwnership * CommonProgrammerTools * CompaniesWhoLoveRup * CompatibilityDoesNotMatter * CompilerQuestion * ComplexityInComPlus * ComponentMessageBus * CompromisingEmanations * ComputerProblems * ComputerProfessionalsForSocialResponsibility * ComputerSoundMildlyInconvenient * ComputerSoundUseless * ComputerSystemsAsFilters * ConceptsDifficultToDefine * ConcisenessConjecture * ConfessionTime * ConfusingExpertiseWithElegance * CongruentLeadershipChangeShop * ConnectedCommunities * ConservationEconomy * ConstructiveDeconstructionOfSubtypingDiscussion * ContextOfUnderstanding * ContraryButNotBelligerent * ControlTotemism * ConvertingSourceCodeInCfromDosToWindows * CooperativeCharity * CopyExactly * CoralWebPrx * CoreTest * CostinCozianuFanClub * CougaarForge * CourtRoomSchemaExample * CppCtRandomNumberGeneratorChallenge * CraftMystery * CraigBissel * CreatingLinks * CriticismOfMeatballWiki * CruiseControlDotNet * CrushInternetAdvertising * CullVisitor * CultLanguagesWithFerventFollowers * CultureInQuebec * CustomerTypes * CustomersApprentice * CynefinCentre * DagBerntsson * DamonNew * DataComparingAlgorithms * DataSciences * DaveFowlie * DavidAllanMorris * DavidHussman * DavidMack * DeBug * DealingWithAccents * DealingWithQuestionsAndObjections * DebateCommaWikiNamesCommaPrefixesIn * DebateInsteadOfCorrect * DebuggingSiteScopeOnUnix * DeclineIteration * DedicatedTester * DefineSyntaxVsDefMacro * DefinitionOfaTestableSystem * DefinitionOfaWeek * DelayWikiChanges * DelayedPostingWiki * DeletablePhrases * DeleteEventually * DeleteInsultsDiscussion * DeleteMockery * DeleteTestAndWelcome * DeleteThisPostSoon * DelphinicEtchaSketch * DemocraticTeam * DenialOfServiceExistenceProof * DeonticLogic * DepartmentInfoMirroring * DependencyInjectionPattern * DerekBeckett * DesignBeforeCode * DesignByTesting * DesignDrivenDevelopment * DesignOfMessages * DesignOfRobustClientServerProtocols * DesignOnceCodeTwice * DesignPatternAutomationToolkit * DesignPatternsAreHard * DesignPatternsForBeginners * DesignerVsProgrammerVsCoderVsHacker * DeveloperUnification * DevelopmentUtility * DevelopmentalGenerationGap * DexterJagula * DialogueDrivenDevelopment * DialogueWithYourEditor * DickBraam * DieselLanguage * DiffTest * DifficultyOfProgramming * DigitalCameraWiki * DigitalHollywood * DilbertAward * DionSasmito * DisciplineGlobalMobile * DisciplineInXp * DiscoveringExistingPatterns * DiscussionOnIandMind * DiskWipingUtility * DistinctArrays * DistributedCognition * DistributedObjectPlatforms * DistributedRenderingSoftware * DivideAndDecide * DoCodersNeedToUnderstandWhy * DoCubicleWallsEverMove * DoHyki * DoctorItHurtsWheniReleaseThis * DocumentManagement * DoesAnyoneElseHaveTroubleWithNewlines * DoesOoSyncWithHowWeThink * DoesXpCostTooMuch * DoesXpFavorLocalMaximum * DoesXpWorkForCom * DogbertsNewRulingClass * DomainControllerBuildPage * DonalTest * DonateForFree * DontBotherTestingJustWritePerfectCode * DontBragBeyondYourScience * DontCallEmScreens * DontChangeaRunningSystem * DontLeaveHomeWithoutIt * DontSubclassOrderedCollection * DontSweatTheExceptions * DoodalaKrishna * DotDotDotProfit * DotNetPatterns * DraftMarsConstitution * DriesSchreurs * DrowningInChoice * DuplicationPredictsDuplication * DylanThomasPoem * DynamicDatabases * EarliestPatterns * EarlyFormulaTranslators * EasyStruts * EditOnTop * EdmilsoRamWiki * EdwardGorey * EeCos * EffectiveCoding * EffectiveJunit * EiffelWiki * EksiSozluk * ElMariachi * ElenaZorin * EmaCodingGuidelines * EmelesDevice * EmergencyBroadcastingSystem * EmilSteen * EmotiveFiguring * EncapsulateRelatedData * EncodeCookieValues * EncourageEdits * EndingWithaPreposition * EngineeringAroundProcess * EnhanceIteration * EntrepreneurForum * EntrepreneurialAntiPatterns * EntrepreneursDoingXp * EricHaines * EricHayes * EthanOtt * EtymologyOfOk * EuroZone * EuropeAndAmerica * EuropeVsBritain * EvaluatingJuniorDevelopers * EventsDiscussed * EveryProcessMustPerform * EverydayImpossibleTask * EvictorPattern * EvolvingApplications * ExamplesOfBadWriting * ExpectingTheBestAndNotBeingDisappointed * ExperienceEquation * ExpressivenessProblem * ExtractMethodRefactor * ExtraordinaryPopularDelusionsAndTheMadnessOfCrowds * ExtremeCapital * ExtremeCaseStudy * ExtremeComputerScience * ExtremeContractor * ExtremeDelivery * ExtremeGantt * ExtremePresentations * ExtremeProgrammingAndNarrativeTherapy * ExtremeProgrammingFostersMotivation * ExtremeProgrammingInMicrosoftAccess * ExtremeProgrammingMethodologies * ExtremeProgrammingMiami * ExtremeProgrammingModifiedPaper * ExtremeProgrammingOverview * ExtremeProgrammingPitfalls * ExtremeProgrammingPopularityCurve * ExtremeProgrammingSelfAssessment * ExtremeProgrammingWikis * ExtremeStoryCards * ExtremeWannabes * ExtremeWellington * FabricioPeruzzo * FacilitationTechnique * FactsAndFallaciesOfSoftwareEngineering * FailSuccessfully * FairnessInParenting * FallaciousArguments * FastNloose * FatMac * FavoriteQuotations * FcmsKlass * FearOfHierarchies * FederalBureauOfInternet * FiberExplanation * FiddlingWithBuiltinSmalltalkClasses * FigureHead * FinaglesVariableConstant * FinanceAndBudgetingPattern * FindByAlphabeticalOrder * FirstInitiative * FirstRuleOfOptimization * FishingPatterns * FishingTheWeb * FlexRay * FlingsWikiSystem * FloorChart * FloppyBootSector * FolDoc * FollowInstinctsAndResistUrges * FoolishConsistency * FordPflanzenWiki * FortyHourWeeks * FpoWiki * FractalNatureOfXp * FrancescoDorigo * FranciscoColonelli * FraserGallop * FredNicholson * FreeFall * FreeThreading * FreeTibet * FritzRuehr * FromLegacyToXp * FullHtmlMarkup * FullTextSearch * FunBomLanguage * FunctionTable * FunctionsAtTop * FunkyBusiness * FunnySayings * FutureWorksConsulting * FuzzyLogicWiki * GaboonsWiki * GameOfReversi * GarryWright * GastonMauriceJulia * GaveUpMobilePhones * GedankenTechnology * GeekWebHangouts * GeneticTakeover * GeneticsAndGeneDiscovery * GiantsWalkedTheEarth * GiftOfTheMagi * GivingInButNotGivingUp * GoOnMacOsx * GodIsScientist * GodelEscherBach * GoldenRuleOfSystemsDesign * GolemProject * GoodArchitectBadArchitect * GoodObject * GoodWishesToAll * GoodbyeWorld * GoofyRetailSystems * GoogleLabsAptitudeTest * GoogleSimilarPages * GoonBall * GracqSuite * GrammarHints * GrantAndCutler * GraphVizIsTooDynamic * GreatDosFeaturesLost * GreatThingsHappenUnexpectedly * GreenPartyWiki * GreenTopsTenthRuleOfProgramming * GreenspanOnInformationTechnology * GregMirabito * GuiDesignTips * GuiEventWrapper * GuiModels * HaexLi * HalfCleanDesk * HalitVural * HalloweenIsChristmas * HandbookOfMathematicalDiscourse * HandsInViewFinder * HannsOskarPorr * HappyNewYearToOthersWithoutaLifeAlso * HaveYouStoppedBeatingYourWife * HazelNewl * HelmutReinthaler * HelpWithSpelling * HierarchyIsNotTree * HighFunctionSoftware * HighProteinDiets * HistoricalProgramReadingExercise * HistoryOfIterative * HistoryOfPeopleIssuesInSoftware * HomeWikiKudos * HorizontalOutsourcing * HostFreePost * 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* MergingOopAndRelational * MetaProcessing * MetaSystemTransition * MetaphorsWeProgramBy * MethodologicalNiche * MethodologiesAssignResponsibilitiesToDevelopers * MethodsAndTools * MichaelHermary * MichaelHortmann * MichaelHuettermann * MichaelJosephson * MichaelMattox * MichelOuellette * MicrosoftFlops * MicrosoftGoesToXp * MicrosoftInOughtFour * MicrosoftJet * MicrosoftPatentsWhitespace * MicrosoftVsFreeSoftware * MicrosoftWayOrNoWay * MicrosoftWillFailOnWeb * MikeAponte * MikeCapern * MikeHaywood * MikeReynolds * MikkelKliim * MilesBlomfield * MinaWiki * MindAlteringLanguages * MindSwitch * MinglingOfConcerns * MinorityOpinion * MisnamedInterfaces * MitchPowell * MobileNote * ModafinilDrug * ModificationDelete * ModifyingSystemCode * MoldeNorway * MonWikiAmoi * MonangSetyawan * MoneyPeopleWorkPickTwo * MonkeyKindOfThing * MonsterDotCom * MonthGjulyJzerofour * MoralObligationsOfProgrammers * MoreShelfSpaceEqualsMoreJobs * MoreUnitedStatesOfAmericaDiscussion * MorphicFields * 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PrimaryConcern * PrimaryKeyNaming * PrinciplesForBadGuys * PrivePagina * ProblemOfSymbology * ProcessEnvironment * ProcessForProgrammingWithoutThinkingTooMuch * ProcessJustification * ProcessReview * ProductDescriptionThatIsaCommercialAndNotaDescription * ProgenyLinuxSystems * ProgramGeneratorsWithXmlAndJava * ProgrammerCoderEngineerTechnician * ProgrammerTestAsExperimentalEvidence * ProgrammersVsDesigners * ProgrammingJakartaStruts * ProgrammingLanguageUsability * ProgrammingLejos * ProgrammingMicrosoftDotNet * ProgrammingTechniques * ProjectCool * ProjectGauravVenkaUmut * ProjectHygiene * ProjectProduct * ProjectSpecificWiki * ProjectUseCases * ProjectVsTask * PronunciationOfTemplate * ProofsThatIpuDoesNotExist * PropagandaBuzzwords * PrototypeOnPaper * PrototypeReverseEngineerRefactorTestValidate * ProximityDatabase * ProxyDeletion * PseudoRandomNumberGenerators * PsychoMathematics * PsychologyOfVandals * PtolemaicConfidence * PulpingBooks * PutSeeAlsoAtTop * PvPython * PyramidCode * PyramidTextsDeciphered * PyrrhicVictory * PythonDotNet * PythonError * PythonIpc * QompImplementations * QompSucks * QualityIsaFeature * QuantityDoesNotEqualQuality * QuantumLeap * QuantumPollution * QuantumVacuum * QueriesPersistenceAndDistribution * QuesaThreeDee * QuestionOnConfigurableFieldsDesign * QuestionableSharkWorks * QuestioningJsp * QuickDiffJunkie * QuickDiffUtilityForMicrosoftWorld * QuickSilentRedirect * QuotientZoneExclusion * RaadSel * RaghuHebbar * RailsVsJtwoEe * RambouilletAgreement * RapidDevelopmentSkill * RatBot * RatingsForEverything * RcShell * RcalcWiki * RealTimeSpecificationForJava * ReallyCool * RearrangeDeckChairsOnTitanic * ReasonsForHolyWars * RecedingHorizon * RecessionWorries * RedBlackTreesVsAvlTrees * RedundantAcronym * RefactorOurWritings * RefactorToSingularForms * RefactoringMonsterClasses * RefactoringRails * ReferencesForAlgorithms * RegulationsInChina * RejectionLetter * RelationalLispWeenie * RelationalProgrammingLanguages * 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