At OtNinetyNine, large white boards were joined together in a corridor for public writing, posting of questions, messages, responses, pictures, posters. (A sort of "hardware wiki" clone.) Here's a communally written limerick that appeared on "the wall": "There was a young man from Trieste Who said "in OO why test?" ... When hacking out Java It's such a palaver Delivery?, Surely you jest! ... We know that we should But develop so good, Our users will do all the rest ... Objectively speaking Other tasks are competing So leaving it out's for the best ... A class or two here A class or two there ... it's integrate if we're blessed Maybe someone else with the results of the OT competition could post them? ---- Just tidied this up a favourite was from a few years ago, when contestants were asked (among other things) to rejig song lyrics. Some memorable submissions included I can't get no Good abstraction ... When I find my code in times of trouble Bjarne Stroustrup comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, OOP (a full three verses of this one...) And many, many more... -- DavidHarvey