There have been many name suggestions for what is currently WardsWiki. Hopefully, someday, something imaginative and catchy will spring up from the collective minds of the masses. What makes a good name? * Something short. * Something catchy. * Something imaginative. * Something humorous. * ...and not flavoured with hummus. ---- C2 How about TheOriginalWiki? I think ArchiWiki would do just fine. It gives status, it's meeting the criteria above I believe. -- PieterJansegers ''UrWiki''? ''Maybe C2ComWiki / C2-Wiki'' ''Wikid Wiki'' '''The'''Wiki, as in KentTheBeck ;) '''WikiWay''' -> TheWikiWay '''WWW''' for WardsWikiWiki W''''''ardsWorldWardsWorldPartyTimeExcellent - oh, wait, it was supposed to be short! - WikiOne - How about MotherWiki