The OzoneAsylum is a discussion forum for all things graphic, located at . There are some very talented people there. It belongs to Doc Ozone ( It also features a wiki dedicated to being a faq - 

On April, 11th 2004, it updated to a new software that more or less seamlessly acts as a MergeBetweenWikiAndForum.

It has also spun off a number of sub-projects, including the Gurus Network (, a collaborative project to distill the knowledge of the OzoneAsylum inmates. It covers a wide range of Web design topics from graphics (2D and 3D) to coding - both client-side (JavaScript, CascadingStyleSheets, HyperTextMarkupLanguage) and server-side (PhpLanguage, PerlLanguage). It is a growing community adding resources all the time so drop in and have a look around.