It's easy enough to auto-generate a list of all those pages that do not have a link to a page starting with "Category". Simply pull the list of all links mentioned on Ward's HomePage (and elsewhere) * http:(slash)(slash) and process that. The original analysis is no longer available, not being maintained, and trivial enough to produce if you want it: curl C2:links.txt | gawk '/ Category/{next}{print $1}' The "proper" links URL is not included to avoid it being hammered by bots. See also * OrphanNonHomePages * OrphanWikiPages This has fixed OrphanWikiPages (after it was broken by the "PagesToCategorizeXX" pages, which removed over 50% of the entries) and consequently the OrphanNonHomePages list, which is the best place to find orphaned content. ''Perhaps we should create a paradox and tag them all as Category''''''Uncategorized?'' ---- CategoryWikiMaintenance