A new practice in the new WorryDrivenDevelopment methodology. PairedVenting is the act of getting together with someone and letting all of your shared frustrations out. It is a shining example of MiseryLovesCompany. Sometimes referred to as BitchSession''''''s. ---- Particularly useful in places were people want to get the most out of the time avalible and still produce high-quality, peer-reviewed vents. You share one rant, switching back and forth as your partner requires breath or has a break in thought. After a few months you will begin to wonder how you ever vented alone, and you may even use the extra time you gain to solve the problems you were complaining about. ---- Great addition. Don't forget to breathe. Or, do you get bonus points for passing out? Yes, high-quality, peer-reviewed vents. I love it. There's something there about a group having a louder voice, but I can't quite put it into words... But, I'm starting to worry that you are actually solving problems. I think we need to argue about whether or not we're really following WorryDrivenDevelopment, or better yet, let's have an EndlessMeeting to discuss this non-issue. ---- If you haven't figured it out yet, yes, this is an attempt at humor, and perhaps a poor one at that. Enjoy if possible. If not, start your own BitchSession. --JasonNocks ---- Don't forget that ThereMustBeDrink ''(or, ThereMustBeFood)''. Helps for EndlessMeeting''''''s, too. ---- See: CynicalRelease ---- CategoryWhimsy