''On the page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_programming'' '''Parallel programming''' is a '''computer programming''' technique that provides for the execution of operations in parallel, either within a single computer, or across a number of systems. In the latter case, the term '''distributed computing''' is used. ---- ''Note: FullyParallelProgramming is a different topic about programmers working in parallel.'' -- JohnFletcher ---- An example is dividing the work done by the (normally serial) search methods used by a chess program to efficiently take advantage of multiple processors. One popular method is "Young Brothers Wait". * http://www.google.com/search?q=Young+Brothers+Wait+algorithm ---- See also DistributedComputing ProgrammingForParallelComputing ParallelProgrammingDiscussion ParallelProgrammingModel ---- This and the related pages were topical in JanuaryZeroSix. CategoryConcurrency