Hi, my name is Paul, I have created http://www.weavethepeople.com We use AgilePrinciples to build software that changes conversations. We are a Chicago based team using MacromediaFlash on the front end, JavaServlets on the server side and MySql for the data base. http://www.weavetechnology.com/wtp/solutions/technology/images/TechArchDynamic1.gif Cheers Paul ---- current home: http://www.weavethepeople.com mailto:paul@weavethepeople.com ---- I used to call myself an extreme architect (I predicted I may change what I call myself and indeed I have). I am now JustaProgrammer. I quit my corporate job December 15th 2003 and have been woking for my Self since. I hooked up with some Jungian folks and built some typology software which was a great learning experince ( http://www.thesoulpurpose.com/insights ) I now know there are many simple and valuable software solutions and I am allowing them to manifest through my coding. --- some pages my architect persona (who called himself Cas) created: Cas is an extreme architect - I may change what I call myself tomorrow. I create (well discover really) structure to manage complexity of building distributed, organic, collaborative systems with a nameless quality. I keep things as simple as possible, communication is key to success. My methodology is extreme - and hard to describe in text, but here goes. Consider 3 communities: Business, Management and Technical. Imagine 3 balls of different colours - representing each community. I juggle. We take a journey, honest about what we know, humble about what we can do, courageous enough to embrace change, courageous enough to be successful. As for modeling - I do it my way. See CasMl, AnimatedArchitecture and ArchitecturePictures. I even code - see XmlLite. Cheers : Paul '''Cas'''well : '''C'''ommunicate : '''a'''rchitect : '''s'''implify ---- CategoryHomePage