Describe PerpetualSystem here. The reference is to the theory of the perpetual engine. Such an engine would produce enough fuel simply by operating it, to continue to run indefinitely. A system that had such capabilities would adjust, modify and enhance itself without would learn and respond to it's environment. Would this be cool to devise or what? (1995) --BillMeecham You have described the universe - look up at night and you will see how cool it was and is. It has been devised and is working. ---- The universe is in a unique position here: if you define time as being contained by it, then it is tautologically perpetual. If you don't it is not at all clear that it is perpetual.... He/she probably meant the universe as we perceive it when viewed from the planet earth and where he/she is at the time. He/she was not looking at it from a time machine or from 15 dimension space, or a math background. He/she probably would have to look up "tautological" since it is not common usage for those who view the stars as the universe. Why confuse the issue? ----------