Perspective is a WikiEngine targeted for use on Intranets and works with Microsoft tools and technologies. Its features include: * WYSIWYG editing (in InternetExplorer, MozillaFirefox & MozillaBrowser), including use of images * Pages locked during edits. * Separate page name-spaces (collections) * Preview of edits without saving * Files can be attached to pages (e.g. MS Office documents and images) * Full features searching, including MS Office docs (Word, Excel etc). Phrase, prefix and linguistic matches. * Versioning of pages and file attachments * RSS feed of latest changes * Wikipedia style links (including piped links) * CamelCase links supported, can be turned off * Customizable navigation - shared navigation area is an editable Wiki page * "Save As" command for pages * Alias page type * Flexible security model, including WindowsIntegratedAuthentication and an alternative password based authentication scheme (including Active Directory support) * Private sites supported when using native (login and password) authentication * Built using the .NET platform in C#. Data stored in XML with XSLT used for presentation. * Printer friendly view of pages * Open source, GPL * File system used for storage, no database required * Reusable templated HTML components Available from (BrokenLink * see: ** ** ----- '''PerspectiveV3''' A new version of the PerspectiveWiki engine. See: * * ---- ---- CategoryWikiImplementation