I am a programmer who has written a few successful commercial applications in payroll/HR, ConfigurationManagement and Manufacturing. I come up as INTP on MyersBriggs, and Idealist (NF) on http://www.advisorteam.com/temperament_sorter/. I am interested in the techniques of system's development generally. I was described once as an iconoclast who considers IBM ante-deluvian. I like that. ---- I like Revelation. (1) I like Open Insight. (1) I like Pick. (1)(conceptually) I like Adabas DB (1) I like Natural I like CobolLanguage I like Primos CPL. (1) I like FortranLanguage I like NEAT/3 (AssemblerLanguage) I like RSTS Basic Plus. (1) I like ISPF/2 and CLIST and PDFs. TSO and its services. (1)(Believe it or not) I like DelphiLanguage I like TotalDataBase (1) I like SupraDataBase (1) I like IDMS I like VSAM I like VMS, RSTS, DOS, CP/M, MASTER, NOS, MVS, UNIX et al, I like RebolLanguage (1) I like RubyLanguage (1) I like WebSphere (1) There are distinguishing points about each of these. These are all solutions to the same problem - communicating effectively with a computer. They are all quite different. They must have something in common. (1) These have the JoyfulSoftwareEthic IMHO ---- Saw your remarks in KaiZen page some time ago and wonder whether you have more to add there, like whether it is a fad that passed away at the sites you know of? Or better, some success stories that last. '' I could not write a good summary of the book. What it did for me was cement a belief I held for a while, and this belief was at the time the reason I was succeeding technically. This idea of stopping the entire production line when an exception occurs - effectively, whatever is started will succeed, or all bets are off.'' '' I believed that there should be no error paths in application code. This is the same philosophy - if a process is triggered, it either succeeds in doing what it is supposed to do, or the entire process tree halts - drops into an error state. I had written code to do this in the applications I was building at the time.'' '' Doing this makes a process invocation an assertion - any exception generated within can be handled by an external error processor'' '' (I like the refactoring of this page above - thankyou)'' -- me ---- Wiki at http://sites.google.com/site/argnosis/ ---- CategoryHomePage